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Variables & Data types

In python variables are containers for storing data values, and data types define the type of data that a variable can hold. Python is dynamically typed, meaning you don't need to declare the type of a variable explicitly - the type is inferred at runtime.

1. Declaring variables

Variables are created by assigning a value using the = operator.

x = 10         # Integer
y = 3.14 # Float
name = "Python" # String
is_active = True # Boolean

2. Naming rules

  • Variable names must start with a letter or an underscore(_).
  • They can contain letters, numbers, and underscores but cannot start with a number.
  • Python is case-sensitive (age and Age are different variables).

3. Data types in python

Data TypeDescriptionExample
intInteger numbersx = 10
floatFloating-point numbersy = 3.14
strStrings (text)name = "Python"
boolBoolean values (True or False)is_active = True
listOrdered, mutable collectionfruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
tupleOrdered, immutable collectioncoordinates = (10, 20)
dictKey-value pairs (dictionary)person = {"name": "John", "age": 25}
setUnordered, unique itemsunique_numbers = {1, 2, 3}
complexComplex numbersz = 1 + 2j
NoneTypeRepresents None (no value)value = None

4. Type casting

Typecasting in Python refers to the process of converting one data type into another. Python provides built-in functions to perform this conversion explicitly. It is useful when you need to convert data between different types to perform operations or ensure compatibility.

Types of Typecasting

  1. Implicit Typecasting

Python automatically converts one data type to another when it is safe to do so, without requiring explicit intervention.

x = 10   # Integer
y = 3.14 # Float
z = x + y # Python automatically converts `x` to float.
print(z) # Output: 13.14
print(type(z)) # Output: <class 'float'>
  1. Explicit Typecasting

This requires using Python's built-in functions to convert data types manually.

int()Converts to an integerint("10")10
float()Converts to a floating-point numberfloat("3.14")3.14
str()Converts to a stringstr(10)"10"
bool()Converts to a boolean (True/False)bool(0)False
list()Converts to a listlist((1, 2, 3))[1, 2, 3]
tuple()Converts to a tupletuple([1, 2, 3])(1, 2, 3)
set()Converts to a setset([1, 1, 2]){1, 2}
dict()Converts to a dictionary (from key-value pairs)dict([(1, "a"), (2, "b")]){1: "a", 2: "b"}
complex()Converts to a complex numbercomplex(1, 2)1+2j

5. Operators

Arithmetic+Additiona + b
-Subtractiona - b
*Multiplicationa * b
/Divisiona / b
%Modulus (remainder)a % b
**Exponentiationa ** b
//Floor divisiona // b
Relational==Equal toa == b
!=Not equal toa != b
<Less thana < b
<=Less than or equal toa <= b
>Greater thana > b
>=Greater than or equal toa >= b
LogicalandLogical ANDa > 0 and b > 0
orLogical ORa > 0 or b > 0
notLogical NOTnot a
Bitwise&Bitwise ANDa & b
``Bitwise OR
^Bitwise XORa ^ b
~Bitwise NOT~a
<<Left shifta << 1
>>Right shifta >> 1
Assignment=Assigna = 10
+=Add and assigna += 5
-=Subtract and assigna -= 5
*=Multiply and assigna *= 5
/=Divide and assigna /= 5
%=Modulus and assigna %= 5
**=Exponentiation and assigna **= 5
//=Floor division and assigna //= 5
&=Bitwise AND and assigna &= b
`=`Bitwise OR and assign
^=Bitwise XOR and assigna ^= b
<<=Left shift and assigna <<= 1
>>=Right shift and assigna >>= 1
MembershipinReturns True if a value is found in a sequencex in [1, 2, 3]
not inReturns True if a value is not in a sequencex not in [1, 2, 3]
IdentityisReturns True if both variables refer to the same objecta is b
is notReturns True if variables refer to different objectsa is not b
Comparison<Less thana < b
<=Less than or equal toa <= b
>Greater thana > b
>=Greater than or equal toa >= b